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Is That So? – How Do You React To Missed Expectations

“Is that so?” retorted Pharaoh. “And who is the Lord? Why should I listen to him and let Israel go? I don’t know the Lord, and I will not let Israel go.” - Exodus 5:2

Moses and Aaron were ready. They had received their instructions from the Lord and were following through with obedience. The day before, they had communicated all the Lord had said to the leaders of the Israelites. The news that the Lord had heard them and was concerned over their bondage and misery comforted the nation and inspired worship.

Confident that the Lord and the nation are with them, Moses and Aaron approach Pharoah and are met with a response they did not expect. Pharoah scoffed at their demand to let the Israelites go, and he further increased their workload. 

This story reminded me of setting out to do a work, a project, or a ministry, and encountering struggle and missed expectations. Perhaps you had a word from the Lord, the doors are open, you go in faith and obedience, but you are met with frustration and difficulty. How do you take opposition? How do we deal with results we weren’t expecting and flat out appear wrong? Moses didn’t understand and questioned the Lord. Why did you send me and make things harder?

The Lord doesn’t rebuke Moses or chastise him for doubting (Exodus 6:1). Our God is very understanding, and He recognizes our questions and concerns. It is safe to come to Him, to cry out to Him, and even question Him.  He wants us to go to Him.

God’s plan doesn't change because of the opposition.  With certainty as if it has already been accomplished, the Lord declares when He is done with the Egyptians, Pharaoh will force the Israelites to leave the land. Also, we see that hardship, missed expectations, or unwanted results do not mean that God is upset, has forgotten, or has moved on from you:

You can be sure that I have heard the groans of the people of Israel, who are now slaves to the Egyptians. And I am well aware of my covenant with them. (Exodus 6:5)

God is well aware of His promises. He is well aware of your situation. He is well aware of what He called you to do and what has happened. He is well aware of you.

We know the story, how with a mighty hand, the Lord crippled Egypt and delivered His people, but there were a lot of difficulties too. Whatever the Lord has called you to do, trust Him, and do it. He is always good, always faithful, always working even if we don’t see it. His apparent lack of action does not mean He ever stopped caring for you or hearing your prayers.

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