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Worshiping the Lord – Do Others Know Where To Find Us?

“Blessed are those who dwell in Your house; They will still be praising You.” - Psalms 84:4

In Psalm 84, we see there is a blessing to those you could live near the house of the Lord. The tabernacle represented the very presence of God, and being near meant you were closer to God.  Worship happened at the tabernacle because that is where the Lord was. 

Today, we worship together with a song, a word of praise, a prayer, a word, an encouragement, or a challenge. Yet, the heart of worship is being with God. In His presence, we have fellowship with the eternal.

The sons of Korah are writing of themselves in Psalm 84.  They served in the Lord’s house every day.  For them, they were in a literal position of worship because of their physical closeness to the tabernacle.  They longed for the courts of the Lord, “My heart and flesh cry out for the living God.” They loved being there, worshiping there, serving there. They observed how even the sparrows and swallows made nests in the Lord’s house.

If they could be filled with awe and wonder because of their proximity to an oversized tent, how much more can we draw from their worship life and apply it to our own? Worship is about being with God, and we engage in devotion through the singing of songs, praises, and prayers.  We worship God as we bestow honor, blessing, adoration, reverence, glory, and majesty to the Lord.

Worship is about serving the Lord - whether as a gatekeeper, a pastor, or a volunteer - a servant of God greeting a visitor in the Lord’s name brings great glory to God. Worship is about dwelling with the Lord which speaks of relationship and reconciliation. Loving to be with Him and devoted to living life with Him becomes the lyrics in the hearts of those that walk with Him.

We were created to worship, it’s what we were designed for.  May the worship of God fill and overflow our lives that, like the sons of Korah, people will know where to find us: “They will still be praising You.”

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